Things to know about the age of your tires When to replace tires
Tiresshouldbereplaced when tread depth falls below 1.6mm, which is the legal limit.
Continental recommends changing to3mmtreaddepthfor summer tires and 4mmfor winter tires.Afterthat,the safety and performance characteristics are not optimal.
All tires (including spare tires)older than ten years must be removed from the
service and replaced with new tires.
Afrequentlyasked question about tire maintenance istire life. How long will your tires last before they need tobereplaced? The answer depends on several factors, such as:B. your driving style, tire tread design, regional climate, road conditions and frequencyof car use. Another factor is you, the owner. Like the rest of the vehicle, you playafundamental role in the care and maintenance of the tires on your wheels; They last longer the better you takecareof them. Youare also responsible for deciding when itis time to replace worn tires with new ones.
TireCare to ExtendTireLife Continental designs and manufactures its tires to provide thousands of miles of excellent service. Getthemostoutof your tires by beingcareful to avoid damage from abuse,whichcan shorten tirelife. The conditions your tiresareexposed to ineverydayuse:tire pressure, load, speed, damagefrom road hazards,etc. are key to determining useful life. Thesamegoesforchangingyourtiresregularly and storingthem properly.However,becauseoperating conditions vary greatly from car to car and driver to driver, itisimpossible to makegeneral predictions abouttirelife. However, you can be proactive and increase the longevity of your tireswith proper maintenance. To avoid buyingsparetiresaheadoftime,herearesome things to keepinmind:
Checktire pressure regularly;
Alternate between frontand rear tires, left and right, depending on tread pattern;
Checkfor proper wheel and axle alignment;
Check tread wear:1.6mm is the legal limit but a minimum of3mm is best for grip and traction;
Checkthetires for visible wear or damage;
Whiledriving,pay attention to thehandlingcharacteristicsofthetires.
How many years will thetireslast? Continental is not aware of any technical data thatsupports the retirement of tiresafter a certain age. However, the same principle applies to the tireson your vehicle as to any other part of your car: age matters. Together with other representatives of the automotive and tireindustry, Continental recommends that all tires (including spare tires)havethemanufactured more than ten years ago should be takenoutof service and replaced with new tires. You should follow this advice even if:
thetiresare in good condition appear tobeserviceable based on the external appearance;
Thetread wear has not exceeded the legal minimum limit.